Christian resources
Here you will find links to a broad variety of Christian audio and video resources in your heart language.
Resources with this icon are located on external websites
Throu the Bible
Here you will find the “Thru the Bible” programs
TWR 360
TWR360 breaks down barriers of language and accessibility so users can download, stream and read abundant Christian media resources to grow in their daily walk with Christ.
Listen in your Heart language
Jesus Film
With translations of the “JESUS” film in more than 1,800 languages you can experience and share the story of the gospel anywhere with anyone.
See it in your Heart Language
Read the Bible
Read the Bible in Your Heart Language
SAT-7 Television
SAT-7 support the Christians of the Middle East and North Africa in their Christian witness and lives and deliver Christian satellite television for the Middle East and North Africa.
Raising children in Denmark
This booklet is written for parents from another country who are raising children in Denmark.
You can download and read it in Arabic/Danish below
Radio Schedule
You can listen to traditional radio all over the world. Visit our partnes website and find a local radiostation near you.
SAT-7 Television
SAT-7 support the Christians of the Middle East and North Africa in their Christian witness and lives and deliver Christian satellite television for the Middle East and North Africa.
Bible Verse of the day